Booker T. 华盛顿曾经写道:“衡量一个人成功的标准,与其说是看他在生活中所取得的地位,不如说是看他克服了多少障碍。." These words ring true for this month's Inspirational Owl.
My name is Alexis, and growing up, I was extremely active in the arts. 从音乐和戏剧制作,到电影和图像制作,我都参与了. 然而, 二十岁的时候, 在一次浪漫的约会中,我在过马路时被一辆车撞了,造成了严重的创伤性脑损伤. Not waking up from a coma in a day or two, 甚至几个星期……但几个月后,我面前的恢复之路非常艰难. 这里只列举了一些困难, 我必须学会走路, 用我的手, 吃, 喝少量液体和交谈. To some, giving up may seem like the only option. 如果你问一个病人, educator or family member of a neurological disorder, to list the top five things you find as the most testing or difficult, “好奇”总是榜上有名.
I give thanks to God every day because in my case, 许多不确定因素都是通过坚持和奉献来实现的. 例如, 当我被告知事故的时候, I was not able to walk or even hold my head up on my own. 然而, after I was sent to The Shepherd Center in Atlanta, 第二次去乔治亚州, I realized the difference between a brain injury and paralysis. 区别在于KU体育下肢是否有感觉(脑损伤)(瘫痪). I was able to feel my legs but was not able to walk. I lacked the strength that was needed to take a step on my own. 由于受伤,我每天都被送到健身房去恢复体力. No matter how I looked or what others thought, I went to the gym.
Once I started walking again, I had a new goal: to learn and understand. After approval from my physical therapist and neurologist, I was able to register for a class or two at Palm Beach State College. I took the same strategy that I used for walking to learn. 幸运的是, my tuition payments gave me access to tutors, and the necessary equipment and laboratories needed to succeed. I took advantage of the resources and went to get tutored every day! 不管我每天走进来的样子如何,也不管别人怎么看我,我还是去了!
2018年春天,我从棕榈滩州立学院毕业,获得了传播学学位. 从那里, 我决定在KU体育官网APP继续深造,我可以诚实地说,我从来没有后悔过这个决定. The 教师 of the 学生无障碍服务, and the Dorothy F. 施密特艺术与文学学院真正关心学生的成功. 我的家人, 导师, 雇主, 优秀的老师总是抽出时间来确保我理解不同的概念, and how to 应用 them to certain situations. My advice would be to never, ever give up on your life!